Lee's Weight Loss Journey

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas

Well, I didn't get my 10%. I can't believe it, I only had 0.3 to lose and I only lost 0.1! I was ready to cry and stamp my feet and leave the meeting but I thought better of it and ended up staying and felt much better for having done so. So I've worked my a*se off this week with exercise and eating properly, and I'm hoping to get the hattrick this week 1. 10% loss, 2. 10kgs loss and 3. Under 80kgs. If I get under 80 it will be the lightest I've been in 10 years - very excited about that. I've also decided that I'm going to do a fitness instructors course this year. Now I know I'm not all that fit yet but I'm working on it, and I reckon it will be a good way to keep fit.

I did my stint as Martha in RtB and had a ball. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be doing the 4 nights and it was great seeing so many people come through - 13,000 in all!

Ok, have a great Christmas everybody and talk to you next year.

Lee :-)

More pics of my belly dancing night!

Monday, December 11, 2006

So close and yet so far.............

I lost 0.7 this week. Very pleased with myself as that's 1.5kgs over 2 weeks that I've lost. I'm only 0.3 away from my 10% and 0.9 away from 10kgs! It's been a hard fought 10kgs I'll give you the tip. Some people lose 10kgs in 10 weeks but I've taken almost 25 weeks to do it (assuming I get it this coming weekend). However, I'm pretty pleased with myself because my lifestyle hasn't been compromised too much, we just eat so much more healthy and when we go out, we don't make stupid choices like chips or creamy pastas, we always have just veges or salad. Hubby is a bit disappointed in his weight loss and is threatening to join WW with me. I kinda hope he does because it would be fun to go to meetings with him.

I'm doing my bit for the community this week and I'm playing the part of Martha in Road to Bethlehem. RtB is a walk through nativity type thing that the SDA church in Nunawading puts on. As I work for them I thought I'd do my bit and volunteer. I'm kinda regretting saying that I would do it for 4 nights but hey, at the end of the day, we'll have made a few people happy and conveyed the story of the birth of Jesus to people who may not have known about it (if you believe in that kind of thing).

If I get my 10% I'll post some photos next week.

Lee :-)

Monday, December 04, 2006

Back on Track


Well, after a tumultuous couple of months, I think that I'm finally back on track. I've been sitting on or around 81kgs for a few weeks now and it's been getting frustrating. I don't think we've had a weekend at home for about 8 weeks now and coming up to the Christmas season it's getting rather hard. We spent a week in Perth and the diet went completely out the window. However, we do keep up our exercise which helps. I finally got back to WW last weekend and guess what? I lost 0.7kgs!!! I couldn't quite believe it but it felt good to know that all of the things I've been doing haven't been all bad. I think that my metabolism is working a bit better so that when I do slip up it's not so bad. However, I do need to lose more and I'm determined to lose at least 1kg this week. I'm hoping to lose 1.2 so that I get my 10% but I won't be upset if I don't get it this week - I'll just get it next week. Although I've got TTOM in there somewhere which will put a spanner in the works!

I had my belly dancing concert on the 17th of November and, despite my fears (read terrified) all went well. I will post a couple of photos.