Lee's Weight Loss Journey

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

January this year around 84kgs.

Hi Everyone,
My name's Lee (aka Harleygirl) and this is my weight loss story.

I'm 37 years young and married to the Lovely Les. I have no children, not because I don't want to but that's just the way life pans out. Les has 3 children, Stacey (21), Justin (19) and Jake (17). I can't wait until they all have kids so that I have step-grandkids that I can spoil rotten. Because we don't have kids, we do lots of stuff like riding Harleys and going away on holidays. I had a Harley up until a couple of months ago when we had to sell it, but we still have Les's and I sometimes ride with him on the back but he's not too keen on it so it doesn't happen very often! My favourite Harley is a Dyna Wideglide - hence the blog title!

I have been overweight pretty much since my late teens. I was a skinny kid and an ok teenager but then I met my first husband who constantly referred to my weight and made me feel fat all the time which just made me feel insecure so I ate for comfort. When I look back I must only have been a size 10 or 12 but he made me feel massive. So it's been a bit of a roller coaster over the years. I've tried everything there is to try - Jenny Craig, Nutri Slim, tablets, powders, potions and Weight Watchers more times than I'd like to admit. However, for some reason it's finally sunk in and I'm feeling that I can achieve this time. Maybe because I'm a bit older and a lot more comfortable in my own skin. I have a beautiful husband who adores me (and I him) and a fantastic work life, social life and home life.

Here are some stats:

Weight at Xmas 2003 95kgs (photo at left)
WW first weight in 17/6/06 89.5kgs
current weight 20/9/06 81.5kg

I'm just slightly off my 10% which is really frustrating as I've hit a plateau. Never mind, I'll get over it soon.

I'll keep you posted!



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